* 20 Sheets with Blattodea Pheromone
* Black Flag of the Spanish Republic
* Black Flag vynil
* Black Posters (box)
* Black Posters 2008-2018 (fanzine)
* Cartel "Ni olvido ni perdón"
* Catálogo Presos políticos en la España contemporánea
* Catalogue No, Global Tour
* Catalogue Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra House in Mud
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. 300 Tons and Previous Works
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Black Flag.
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Mea Culpa
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Works 2002-1990
* Constructions with 10 Modules and 10 Workers
* Diamondtraffickills
* Door Plate
* Door Plate (2014)
* DVD. NO, Global Tour
* Economical study on the skin of Caracans
* Europe, 2009
* Los Penetrados
* Monument to Civil Disobedience (Plate)
* Monumento a la Desobediencia Civil (Placa)
* National Coat of Arms of Spain Stamped with Blood
* No, Global Tour (Jewels)
* NO, Global Tour (Serigraphy)
* NO, Global Tour Armband
* NO, small sculpture
* Poster NO, Global Tour
* Santiago Sierra: Interviews/Entrevistas
* Sculpture, Photography, Film
* Teeth of Palestinian
* Test strips of cockroach pheromones displayed equidistantly on a wall
Teeth of Palestinian

Digital print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 g, 40 x 60 cm.