* 20 Sheets with Blattodea Pheromone
* Black Flag of the Spanish Republic
* Black Flag vynil
* Black Posters (box)
* Black Posters 2008-2018 (fanzine)
* Cartel "Ni olvido ni perdón"
* Catálogo Presos políticos en la España contemporánea
* Catalogue No, Global Tour
* Catalogue Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra House in Mud
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. 300 Tons and Previous Works
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Black Flag.
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Mea Culpa
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Works 2002-1990
* Constructions with 10 Modules and 10 Workers
* Diamondtraffickills
* Door Plate
* Door Plate (2014)
* DVD. NO, Global Tour
* Economical study on the skin of Caracans
* Europe, 2009
* Los Penetrados
* Monument to Civil Disobedience (Plate)
* Monumento a la Desobediencia Civil (Placa)
* National Coat of Arms of Spain Stamped with Blood
* No, Global Tour (Jewels)
* NO, Global Tour (Serigraphy)
* NO, Global Tour Armband
* NO, small sculpture
* Poster NO, Global Tour
* Santiago Sierra: Interviews/Entrevistas
* Sculpture, Photography, Film
* Test strips of cockroach pheromones displayed equidistantly on a wall
NO, Global Tour Armband

Unlimited multiple edition of armband 13x18 cm printed with the word “NO”. This object was part of the staging of the No Global Tour developed between 2009 to 2011. A large metal sculpture of the word “NO” was transported by truck around the world and repeteadly installed in different locations. The drivers of the truck and the technicians who installed the sculpture were going to have this logo on the arm.